actually baru je kejap td aku melepak kat web feveret aku...then aku ternampak la ade orang bukak topic kata "nik aziz tak pandai bertutur dalam bahasa inggeris"[betul ke inggeris?english le senang.]orang ni memang jaki dengan nik aziz.then dia kata mcm ni ke pemimpin yang di banggakan oleh segelintir orang MELAYU.
lalu dia pon paste kan ade satu article dlm bahasa inggeris yg ditulis oleh seorang blogger berkaitan isu hangat sekarang ni...orang tu jugak dengan selamba nye berkata, since Tuan Guru tak pandai bahasa inggeris maka dgn itu, tuan guru tak mampu memahami pandangan dan pemikiran orang lain yang di tulis dlm bahasa inggeris.dan kemudiannye, tak mampu nak bagi penerangan pada pengikutnya yang KEBANYAKANNYA PON BODOH BAHASA INGGERIS SEPERTI PENDETA[Nik Aziz] itu.
ape yang aku tau laa..kebanyakan orang-orang yang sependapat dan setuju dengan nik aziz bukan orang-orang hulu yang sekolah bawah pokok.tapi kebanyakannya golongan profesional.dan juga mereka-mereka yang mendalami ilmu agama dan ilmu undang-undang [man made law and syariah].tapi kalo yang support yang satu lg parti tu kebanyakannya orang-orang yang tidak mahukan perubahan dan orang yang ada kepentingan dalam parti tersebut..mungkin laaa..
tapi tu laa...sayang sejuta kali sayang...pada aku, sengkat sungguh pemikiran manusia ini...dalam masa ketuanan melayu ke hulu ke hilir, sempat lagi dia berbangga dgn bahasa inggeris..dalam satu website ni memang ada tulis yang nik aziz mengakui lemah dalam bahasa inggeris kerana kurang praktis..broken english boleyh laa...but does it means orang itu ta layak jd pemimpin??
sedeyh lagi melihat bekas menteri penerangan bersoal jawab di station tv antarabangsa. bahasa inggeris nya berterabur dan cara percakapannya tidak menggambarkan dia adalah dari golongan professional.pada pendapat aku laa.. untuk jd menteri penerangan malaysia, firstly, appearance kene kemas dan bersih.juga boleh membawa imej yang baik dan bersih kepada negara.and most important thing, communication skill and public relation skill.harap-harapnya menteri penerangan yang ada sekarang ni better than the past.
okay back to the topic, pasal bahasa inggeris ni tadi..memang la english tu penting as it is international language, tapi kalo cakap english mengalahkan mat salleh, tapi otak kosong..mcm mana nak jadi pemimpin???mana yang lebeyh penting utk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang bagus??bahasa inggeris yang superb tp otak kosong or bahasa inggeris nye ala2 je, tapi mempunyai idea yang brilliant dan berfikiran kritis dan maju kehadapan??
aku prefer yang second choice tu, bior le ckp broken english tp pandai menguruskan negara.dan yang paling penting pegang amanah sebagai kalo sembang english je lebat tapi habuk pon tak de nak wat baik jd tutor bahasa inggeris jer lagi baikk...
aku pon tak paham la nape ade orang yang mentaliti nye kurang tinggi.huhu..yang mengutarakan isu ni pon dari golongan profesional [katanye laa].sedeyh aku tengok..semoga orang yang suka merendah-rendahkan taraf ulama' ni diberi petunjuk if orang tu islam..[aku pon tak pasti org tu agama ape..=p]
The world is black - Good Charlotte
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing
It's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening
But it's happening
And everywhere you go it's just a different place
You get the same dark feeling
See the same sad faces
No one really cares that this is happening
We come into this world
We are all the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we've said , said
Living in this place
It's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing
So there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world
Just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me, this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in his hands
But I could only pray that God is listening
Is he listening?
But living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect
Now I say
but The world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever change
By the things we've said (said,said)
We come into this world
And we are all the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But we're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect
Now I say
The world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever change
By the things we've said (said, said)
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening.
You see the same damn thing
It's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening
But it's happening
And everywhere you go it's just a different place
You get the same dark feeling
See the same sad faces
No one really cares that this is happening
We come into this world
We are all the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we've said , said
Living in this place
It's always been this way
There's no one doing nothing
So there's nothing changed
And I can't live when this world
Just keeps dying
It's dying
People always tell me, this is part of the plan
That God's got everybody in his hands
But I could only pray that God is listening
Is he listening?
But living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect
Now I say
but The world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever change
By the things we've said (said,said)
We come into this world
And we are all the same
And in that moment there's no one to blame
But we're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect
Now I say
The world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told
And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever change
By the things we've said (said, said)
Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening.
biasela pemikiran orang melayu..suke beno dengki org lain...terer cakap omputih pon salah, xterer pon salah...diorg nak ape pon tatau...
amboiiii topik kan.. :D
agak intelekrual la.. haha klu aku la.. mmg x reti dowhhhhh
tp ape2 pon aku rase reti ke x reti ke english. same je. kdg2 ape gune tau ckp omputih tp bhs melayu nyer tunggang langgang. klu x reti bhs english bolh gak la terima rmi je yg x reti kn. x fasih. even aku pon. tp belasah sudah.klu x reti english bodo ke??? x kn..
tp klu nk memimpin negare maybe pntg kot. sebb kt nk kene deal ngan org luar kan. tp pelan2 kayuh la. klu x reti belajar. x yah wat statement bagai. kan kan? no one is perfect la.. adoi la mengarut sudah.
susah nak puas hati kan sume orang cik intan oii..
alaa mesia ni memang da otak nye disetkan pandai ckp omputih tu bijak.yang tak reti tu tongong.huhu.
byk pemimpin negara2 maju x tau pn bahasa inggeris, contoh paling nyata, jepun dan china, heh, kita angkat sgt bahasa inggeris pasal ia jd bahasa perantaraan, bagi saya, bahasa inggeris x lain cuma bahasa, guna untuk komunikasi, terer bahasa inggeris x semestinya dia bijak, kita tgk org putih, depa ignorant pasal kita guna bahasa depa untuk komunikasi, apa akan jadi kalau bahasa melayu yg jadi bahasa perantara? melopong jugak depa mcm org2 kita yg xreti bahasa inggeris, sekian
ha'ah encik eleven..betul mesia je yg tak bangga dgn bahasa mesia...poyosssss.kononnn tak maju.
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