Wednesday, April 28, 2010

helllluuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~'s been like almost a month i've abondoned my blog. it's not that i'm too lazy or nothing to share..but i have so fucking lots of things to do. assignment, presentation, assignment, presentation, assignment presentation, mid term, and finally.....mock trial.

and today, i am totally free from all this thinggy. i feel bad for myself when i cant even started study and my first paper is next monday. yes. NEXT MONDAY!! so0o0..todaayyy i will start my revision and i'm going to torture my self for sure to absorb all the principles and cases as quick as i can.

hopefully my brain can corporate well with me to absorb and store well all the things that i'm gonna read later. i never start study this late.

anyway..actually i've lots of things to share here but i think that it just no longer fresh to share. so maybe next time when i have anything interesting to share i'll post it here.

for now, i need to study. if i come here later to write that's means i am fucking stress!!

okaayy enjoy this beautiful song. :)

Take It Slow by Estrella

i will keep you waiting
until you say something
baby don't be hating
i’m just doin my thing

no no no no, can u fill me in.

can i get your number
i will be your shelter
through the rain or thunder
break your heart i’ll never

love i’ll promise you forever.

maybe we can take it slow
i could show you what you’ve been waiting for
maybe we can take it slow
just let me show you what you've been waiting for

Sinking in each other
we will be together
lacing up my fingers
saving all my kisses for you, baby
you’re all that i need and
it’s got me thinking..

Friday, April 2, 2010

al-fatihah pakcik mokhtar

just now at 3 am i received fon called from my sist. obviously it's weird to received fon call from her early in the morning.but i dun expect that news. suddenly she said "weyh dekno, pakcik mokhtar da meninggal" i feel like my world stop for a while. and of cos i ask her to repeat that again. it's a big shock for me!!i dont expect this at all!!

i just feel down for losing one of my favourite comedian, and then yea i'm losing my beloved uncle. a person that always break the silence with his jokes, riddles and lots of "i have this friend" story.

of cos i'm crying like hell.i never expect this.and my hand is damn heart beat so fast that i feel like to faint!!!losing someone is my weakness. thank GOD i have friend to share my feelings with. to faisal and eddy.thanks for those words. yea i know i need to be tough and strong to face all this.

and now i'm preparing my mental to face the situation in kuala kangsar later. of cos the emotion is running high. and i promise myself to be tough so that i can comfort my cousins as i know this must be hard time.damn hard time.

i hope and pray to Allah that may He bless my uncle and placed him among all good persons.

and of course, i'm gonna missed you pakcik mokhtar!! Al-fatihah.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful

"All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the lord of the "Alamin" (Mankind, Jinns, and all that exists).* The most Beneficent, the most merciful.* The only Owner (and the only Ruling Judge) Of the Day of Recompense (I.e. the Day of Resurrection)* You (Alone) we worship, and you (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).* Guide us to the straight way* The Way of those on whom you have bestowed your

Grace, not (the way) of those who earned your anger, nor of those who went astray."


Al-fatihah kepada Allahyarham Din Beramboi. sangat2 sedeyh rasanya hati ini.i feel down all of sudden :(

baru kejap td aku attach video dia yang memang lawak gilaaa.yang aku tengok juta2 kali pon mesti aku gelak.tapi sekaraangg dia da tiada lagi...

macam stop kejap jantung ni bila dapat tau dia dah takda lagii. ingatkan faisal memain je bagi tau.sekali betoi2 dia da takdaa.what a lost~~

dan tadi jugak la habih aku layan semua episod spontan kat u tube sebelom aku attach video dia kat blog aku.

semoga abg din ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yang beriman. besar pahala abg din sebab selalu buat orang ketawa dan mengubat hati dengan lawak jenakanya.

i'm gonna missed u abg din!!u're the best!!!

Andai Ku Tahu by Ungu

Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan, tolong panjangkan umurku

Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan, jangan kau ambil nyawaku

Aku takut akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut dosa yang terus membayangiku

Andai ku tahu
Malaikat-Mu kan menjemputku
Izinkan aku
mengucap kata taubat pada-Mu

Aku takut akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut dosa yang terus membayangiku

Ampuni aku dari segala dosa-dosaku
Ampuni aku menangisku bertaubat pada-Mu

Aku manusia yang takut neraka
Namun aku juga tak pantas di syurga

Andai ku tahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku
mengucap kata taubat pada-Mu

Aku takut akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut dosa yang terus membayangiku

Ampuni aku dari segala dosa-dosaku
Ampuni aku menangisku bertaubat pada-Mu

Thursday, April 1, 2010

telinga syaitannn!!!

yea...tajuk post aku kali ni berbaur mistik sikitt. dan yang pasti post kali ini berkenaan dgn kawan aku sorang ni yang memang terlampau la hebat ilmu mistiknyaaa. tapi identiti kawan aku tu terpaksa la dirahsiakan atas sebab2 tertentu yek.

dia ni ilmu nyaaa memang tinggi. bela membela ni memang menda biasa. dia ada 4 kottt...selalu orang ada 1 pon susah nak maintain, dia ni sampai 4. dasattt. mengikut ceghita kawan aku ni yang hat 4 tu nama depa Nudin, Cristabelle, Minah dgn Francesco.

aku pon tak tau la cam na nak nasehat dia nii....taksub bebeno.sampaikann kemana saja dia pegi mesti dia bawak menda 4 niii.

ni video yang aku letak ni la yang buat dia taksub sgtt dengan bela2 niii.

kepada berkenaannn..insap la. aku ni kawan yang baiikk.tu yang aku nasehat kamu nii. lepaih ni kamu bawak2 le buang yang 4 tu.

dengan itu, wabillahi wataufiq wahidayah, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. ;)

lagu ni aku tujukan khas kepada kawan aku tu..... ;D

Let There Be Love by Oasis

Who Kicked A Hole In The Sky
So The Heavens Would Cry Over Me?
Who Stole The Soul From The Sun
In A World Come Undone At The Seams?

Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love

I Hope The Weather Is Calm
As You Sail Up Your Heavenly Stream
Suspended Clear In The Sky
Are The Words That We Sing In Our Dreams

Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love

Come On, Baby Blue, Shake Up Your Tired Eyes
The World Is Waiting For You
May All Your Dreaming Fill The Empty Sky
But If It Makes You Happy Keep On Clapping
Just Remember I'll Be By Your Side
And If You Don't Let Go It's Gonna Pass You By

Who Kicked A Hole In The Sky
So The Heavens Would Cry Over Me?
Who Stole The Soul From The Sun
In A World Come Undone At The Seams?

Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love
Let There Be Love