Monday, August 24, 2009


point that should ponder upon..

"What's the point of being a lesbian if a woman is going to look and act like an imitation man? " ~Rita Mae Brown

hell yeah...what's the point eyh~~urmm..

maybe because SHE wanna be hotter than a GENUINE man.hahaha.


akai tsuki said...

because..she wants to be the man in that relationship!!!
and besides, a lesbian who imitates a man is wayyy hotter(if she really do it properly) than a man!!
(like that 1 person that we know~~~)

penceritera said...

errr~~~buat ape nak jd laki.lesbian kott..kalo camtu gi baik cari je laki asli...

my thoughts senang je...becoz she wanna prove tht woman can be a much2 better man than a man himself..weee~

gile paling gay punye statement!!haha

akai tsuki said...

sangaat gay ek...
tapi, die tau die lg hdsm n menarik kalo die cam2..
kalo die pmpn, die xde la menarik sgt..
n pmpn pn xtertarik sgt kot..
lain la kalo diorg 2 lawa gile n hot gile...

lgpn, ade bnde2 kt laki yg diorg xnk..
diorg nk certain2 bnde je..

penceritera said...

certain2 bende??hahahaha

Faisal R said...

aku.sangsi.shap oi..

straight4wd said...

my thoughts senang je...becoz she wanna prove tht woman can be a much2 better man than a man himself..

u ckp mcm tu sbb u gay kn..??hakhakhak..

penceritera said...

fesal: aku TERjumpa quote tu..lalu terpikir...maka tercipta la post yang niii..

*aku maseh berperasaan kt laki

straight4wd: i just put myself in that kind of woman situation.heheh.